Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome to Buena Vista: Our happy house in Bondi Beach

Hello my dear friends,

First of all I’d like to apologize for the long break this blog has experienced. As most of you might know I left hot Singapore and made it safely to Sydney, Australia. I arrived on a hot 7th of February, not really knowing where and when I was. After spending a lovely time at my friend Miriam’s place in the suburb of Newtown it became a priority to find a place on my own, where I could finally stop living out of a backpack and enjoying my own bed. After a few days of house hunting luck struck me and I happened to find this wonderful building with the name of Buena Vista which I now call my home.
Come in, mi casa es su casa, have a seat and enjoy the view.

If you ever find yourself in the lovely suburb of Bondi, it is very likely that you will end up taking Bondi Road on your way to the beach. Just a few blocks before you get there, on the right hand side you will find this outstanding building which goes by the name of Buena Vista. Be sure to walk around the block to our backyard (the intercom is broken and no one ever uses the main entrance).

Three floors, six flats and heaps of lovely people from all over the world will welcome you with a smile.

Most of the buildings here have names, ours is there for a very obvious reason as you will soon find out…

From the flat next to mine, when you look out of the window you can see the ocean…
But the real highlight is clearly our rooftop terrace, well known all over the neighborhood for various reasons… but definitely THE place to hang out, get together and enjoy a mindblowing and priceless view over Bondi.

View of North Bondi from the roof.

View from the back door.

Our chaotic backyard, the meeting point and where all the parties pretty much end…

Now cloudy days have come and the summer is slowly coming to an end. Furtunately, this weather creates such a fuzz in the sky, that when you take your camera out, things like these appear...

Sometimes you’re lucky and even though the rain keeps you from going to the beach, you get a reward in form of a full rainbow, from North Bondi straight into the ocean...

Or directly onto Roni’s head.

Sometimes there is a break in the clouds...

And you can take shots like these.

And sometimes...

Yeah sometimes, we just use our better days and team up for a huge barbecue on the roof...

Where we play some music…

Have some good food made by our Brazilian chefs…

And just enjoy the sunset.............

For a better understanding, this is what it looks and sounds like when Buena Vista gets going:

As you can see, Australia treats me well so far :)
Soon I will brief you on what surrounds me, Bondi and the great city of Sydney, which is yet to be discovered!

Hugs and kisses to you all!
Stay tuned,


  1. La verdad que dan ganas de irse para allí y dejarlo todo atrás! Disfruta la fruta!!!!

  2. Hi! I lived here in 1993 - 8 of us in Flat 3, but in the building we all knew each other and had a great time. Everyone that lived in our flat left their own mark on a living room that was covered with crazy art and poetry, thoughts and quotes painted over the entire walls. I wonder who added art and poetry to it after I left? It was great to see this video and remember my home many years ago! Buena Vista - the place that’s made so many travellers happy. Hope you had a great time on your travels. Jules
