Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let's become a tourist in Sydney

Hello my dearest friends and followers,

As I promised, here comes a post on Sydney’s most touristy and scenic places. It all starts at The Rocks, the city’s first settlement and where all began. From there we’ll walk along the shore, enjoying the most spectacular views that made this city so famous and well-liked.
Let’s go!

The Rocks, a step back in time. History was written here.

I guess that’s why they call it The Rocks…

On the way to the observatory, the first encounter with the jewel of the crown: the Sydney Harbour Bridge

All along the fence.

View of North Sydney.

Solidarity amongst brothers.

The bridge from underneath.

Concrete walls, no beauty.

Some of the “old” houses.

Apparently Sydney’s first house. I still don’t believe it.

View of the CBD getting to Circular Quay.

First eye contact with the second jewel of the crown.

The MCA, good art for free as it should be!

Let’s sit down for a while and rest our feet with the seagulls.

Tourist meeting point par excellence.

One more time, a full view from the other side.

Another famous building, sorry I forgot the name of it…

When you depart Sydney by plane, if you’re lucky, they offer you the most stunning view one last time.

And this is what happens when you travel on your own. You see yourself forced to take horrendous self-portraits like this one.

Despite all they might say, I really think this is a masterpiece of art in modern architecture.

The Royal Botanical Gardens with one of the enourmous eucalyptus trees, although unfortunately no koalas here…

They actually urge you to walk on the grass (just like in France…), Australia is a great country…

…with the most impressive flora…

… and obviously fauna. These cockatoos are the funniest of all, but extremely loud when pissed off.

Don’t jump or you’ll be fined!

On a cloudy day, the best possible postcard of both jewels together.

The wonderful walk along the shore.

Crossing The Domain, until we reach the Art Gallery of New South Wales, more quality art for free!

And on the way back to the bus home, one final shot of one of Syndey’s most imposing churches, St Mary’s Cathedral.

Glad we sorted the tourist stuff out, I must say, all in all, Sydney is a stunningly beautiful city and even the tourist walks are well worth the effort. I hope you enjoyed the visit as much as I did. This will probably be my last post on Sydney, since I am departing to Cairns in four days, so be sure to check in for some rainforest and reef pictures soon!

Oh and once again, many thanks for all the birthday wishes, mother nature was merciful and gave me the best present ever: a beautiful warm and sunny day with a swim in the ocean! Life can be wonderful even when you turn 27!

Lots of love!

Hasta la próxima!


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